Committing to our Future

Dear St Luke Family,

The Property Planning and Fundraising teams are working side by side to move forward with plans to build our permanent spiritual home on our property.

The teams have engaged an architect, and have developed a long- term plan for the site.

The plan was developed with input from the parish at large, the Property Planning Team, and the Metropolis. The Site Plan is shown below:

Our goal is to raise enough money to break ground in 2027. Raising the funds to complete Phase 1 of the plan is critical to the long term financial health and growth of our parish.

Moving into a new, paid for building would eliminate over $55,000 in annual expenses ($38,400 for rent and $16,140 for property taxes) and put the church in a position where it would be likely to enjoy an operating surplus each year.

Additionally, a new facility on our new land would position St Luke to attract new families. The fundraising team plans to engage the parish and understand the extent to which each member can participate in the building of our new home. We intend to ask for rough three-year commitments (2024-2026) and already have some commitments coming in!


  •   Site plan is 100% complete and provides long term direction (up to 50 years). As we build structures on the land, we will do so with the larger vision in mind.


  • Phase 1 calls for initial construction of the social hall. The structure will have a shell basement. (approximately 10,000 sf) and a ground level social hall (approximately 10,000 sf and seating for 200) 

  • The estimated cost for Phase 1 is $5 million.

  • The start date for construction and whether we up size or down size depends on fundraising and our forecast.

  • Fundraising conversations are about to start. The drawings for the social hall will be finished once we have those conversations and financial forecasts.


  • Complete social hall basement (estimated cost $1.5M)

  • The architectural plans provide specifics around how we can use the phase 1 social hall, then evolve into the larger structure


  • Build Sanctuary

Beginning in 2024, we plan to actively fundraise for our new spiritual home. Our goal is to find support outside of Stewardship, so we can continue to meet the day-to-day expenses of our church. We are also working to raise funds outside of our parish. Please mark your calendars for our a gala on February 24 at 6pm at the Ivory Barn in Mooresville. This event marks the formal kickoff for fundraising, and we will ask attendees to make financial commitments for 2024-2026. We will have other fundraising events over the next three years. Asking for commitments helps us get a sense of what we can raise through 2026, and what we can realistically build. The team does have contingency plans in place for different levels of fundraising, just in case. 

Please be prayerfully consider how you can participate in the building of our new spiritual home. We look forward to seeing you at the gala!


Paula Panchisin (Fundraising Chair)

Allison Beaulieu

Lee Solomonides

Joe Papas

James Zogzas